This paper studies the sensitivity of non-critical process in program evaluation and review technique ( PERT) network. 本文研究了计划评审技术(PERT)网络中非关键工序的敏感性问题。
The basic methods of management ard control of construction projects are the Program Evaluation and Review Technique ( PERT) and the Critical Path Method ( CPM). 这种用网络来控制和管理工程施工的基本方法有计划评审技术(PERT)和关键路线法(CPM)。
Applying of the Overall Planning in Working out Construction Estimation of Heating Engineering Utilization of principle of program evaluation and review technique in cost estimation of architectural projects 统筹法在供暖工程施工图预算编制中的应用统筹法原理在建筑工程预算编制中的应用
A Method for Estimating Project Duration in Program Evaluation and Review Technique 计划评审方法中项目工期估计的一种方法
Fuzzy program evaluation and review technique 模糊计划评审技术
The Use of Program Evaluation and Review Technique ( PERT) in the Process of Design and Manufacture of the High Maneuver Target 计划评审技术在高机动靶机研制中的应用
This paper introduces briefly PERT ( Program Evaluation and Review Technique) and its action and significance in weapon development, and emphatically describes the constitution and properties of the flow chart, a core in PERT, and its application in the development of spacecrafts. 简要介绍了计划协调技术(ProgramEvaluationandReviewTechnique,PERT)及其在型号研制中的作用和意义,重点介绍PERT的核心&流程图的构成、特点及其在航天型号研制中的作用。
The Tardiness Penalties in Program Evaluation and Review Technique Chart 计划评审技术中的延误惩罚问题
Carrying out program evaluation and review technique 进行中网络计划技术
Focused on the characteristics of the project organization mode and the uncertain information, by considering the effect of time on entire risk of virtual enterprise, the model of virtual enterprise risk evaluation is established based on program evaluation and review technique. 针对虚拟企业以项目为组织模式及信息具有不确定性的特点,为考虑项目时间因素对整体风险的影响,基于计划评审法建立了虚拟企业风险评价模型。
CPM ( Critical Path Method) is a kind of PERT ( Program Evaluation and Review Technique), which was developed by American DuPont Company. 关键路线法(CriticalPathMethod,简称CPM)是美国杜邦公司开发出来的一种网络计划技术。
For the completion risk for the project of dynamic alliance, fuzzy program evaluation and review technique ( F-PERT) is adopted to describe the project, and the nonlinear integer model for the problem is established. Moreover, the F-PERT embedded genetic algorithm is proposed. 针对动态联盟企业项目完工风险问题,基于模糊计划评审法(F-PERT)描述项目的运行,建立了相应的非线性整数规划模型,并设计了嵌入F-PERT的遗传算法进行求解。
Application and Development of Program Evaluation and Review Technique in Beijing's Bid for the 2000 Olympics 关于北京申办奥运会工作中运用和发展计划网络法的探讨
Improving Management Level by Program Evaluation and Review Technique 应用计划协调技术提高管理技能
Critical chain method is the critical path method and program evaluation and review technique in the field of project management in recent years as an important development. 关键链法是继关键路径法和计划评审技术之后在项目管理领域近年来的一个重要发展。
First of all, schedule risk management is a branch of schedule management, so it starts with schedule plan, which is based on program evaluation and review technique. 首先,进度风险管理是基于进度管理的一个分支,是从进度计划展开的,进度计划一般是应用网络计划技术。
Gantt chart method, using the most commonly used methods of mathematical analysis, critical path method, program evaluation and review technique to prepare schedule. 采用最常用的数学分析方法甘特图法、关键路径法、计划评审技术来编制进度计划。
Critical Path Method, Program Evaluation and Review Technique, Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique and Venture Evaluation and Review Technique are all representative network analysis methods. 关键路线法、计划评审技术、图示评审技术和风险评审技术是四种具有代表性的网络分析方法。
Program Evaluation and Review Technique assume the durations of activities are independent and obey the Beta distribution, consider the uncertainty from randomicity. 计划评审技术假设活动持续时间相互独立并服从β分布,并以此为基础进行网络分析,从随机性的角度考虑了活动时间的不确定性。
Based on this, there obtains the probability of completing the project within the time limit by exerting PERT ( Program Evaluation and Review Technique) to calculate the optimistic, favorite and pessimistic estimated time. 在此基础上,运用PERT技术(计划评审技术)对活动乐观、最可能、悲观时间的估计值进行整理计算,得出了该项目在要求工期内完成的概率。
Program evaluation and review technique solve the weighted average time or expectation of duration using theory of probability and statistics. This calculation is quite complex. 计划评审技术利用概率统计理论,求解工期的加权平均时间或期望持续时间,这在计算上相当复杂。
It is a common to effectively control progress of the project in the Program Evaluation and Review Technique ( PERT) and critical path method ( CPM). 如何在项目计划上有效控制项目进度,最常见的是计划评审技术和关键路径法。